Get involved
Find out how you can help us improve dentistry across the UK
The BDA is run by dentists for dentists. From the start of your journey as a student, there are lots of opportunities to get involved. We represent all fields of dentistry and are here for every stage of your career. We listen when members speak up and believe we are collectively stronger when the whole dental community works together.
Committees and leadership roles
Members elect the individuals responsible for making decisions on strategy and policy, and the people who represent the views of colleagues across the profession.
We have one decision making body: the board, technically known as the Principal Executive Committee or PEC. Our policies and strategic direction are set by the board which is directly elected by members.
The board receives advice and opinion from advisory committees to help it in its role. Some advisory committees (referred to as ‘craft committees’) are also elected to represent specific parts of the profession, as well as provide advice.
Representation of members is provided by country councils in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Members of country councils are elected from the branches, and they are the ‘voice’ of members to the board.
Learn more about the board and our committees.
Branches and sections
We have an active network of 21 branches, many divided into sections, ensuring representation and the opportunity for members to get together locally. The branches and sections offer a varied programme of educational and social events to help raise the profile of the BDA and the profession from a local perspective.
Learn more about our branches and sections.
Engage with us on social media
Help us spread the word on important topics and campaigns by engaging with us on socials:
Share your story with us
Sharing your experiences in dentistry helps to influence our work and make a case for change. It is also a great way to support colleagues, share things you have learnt along the way and inspire the next generation to start a career in the field.
Right now we're particularly interested in hearing from you about your experience of pay and contract reform issues, ways you are working to improving oral health, and how we have supported your career in the NHS or Private Practice.
Together we are stronger
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