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CQC - monitoring approach

Suggestions for CQC pre-inspection telephone call queries

Before the CQC undertakes a practice visit, it makes a pre-inspection telephone call to the practice.  Here are some suggestions as to how you might address these queries and doing this work upfront should help greatly during the actual inspection, as it will be based around these subject areas.

Our advice on CQC Compliance Requirements will also be useful.



How do systems, processes and practices keep people safe and safeguarded from abuse?

How do you ensure staff recognise safeguarding issues for adults, children and other vulnerable people, and that they take appropriate action?

  • Team members are aware of the protected characteristics described in the Equality Act and understand how to avoid harassment and discrimination

  • Team members know how to raise concerns and notes are kept of discussions at practice meetings

  • Team members understand how social and cultural diversity, values and beliefs may influence a patient’s decision about their care