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What to expect

This webinar introduces the UK pensions system and look particularly at how the NHS pension scheme works for dentists. Recent changes to both the NHS pension scheme and retirement processes will outlined, along with the recent changes to the system by which pension savings are taxed.

A CPD certificate (in the name of the purchaser) will be available to download once viewing of this online lecture has been completed. it is a recording of a webinar delivered in September 2023.

Learning objectives

  • Be familiar with the different types of pension available to dentists, and have a broad understanding of where the NHS pension fits
  • Appreciate the differences between personal pensions and NHS pension
  • Be familiar with the basic operation of the NHS pension scheme and how to get further, personalised information
  • Understand how the tax regime interacts with pension savings

Development outcome


About the speaker

Phil Mcevoy Phil McEvoy Head of the BDA's Pensions Team

Phil leads the policy work of the BDA in relation to pensions and provides expert advice to members in all sectors of dentistry.

More information

Once you have completed the booking you will receive an link to view the webinar on the iLearn platform.

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Closed captions are available on this recording.

These automatic captions are generated by machine-learning algorithms, so the quality of the captions may vary. Inaccuracies may exist due to mispronunciations, accents, dialects or background noise.

To help us improve and refine this service, we would welcome feedback (events@bda.org) about any areas that would benefit from further editing.

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