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Have you watched our new expert advice videos yet?

In a new series of bite sized videos, our advice team share their insight on the business matters you ask us about most frequently.

We are here to help you plan for the future and consider every possibility. Our advice videos – which complement our online advice exclusively for members – are essential viewing, especially if you are thinking about taking a step in a new direction and want a quick, digestible overview of what it would mean for you.

Setting up a practice

There is a great deal to consider before you set up a new practice to make sure everything runs smoothly, legally, and in the way you intended. Should you go the private route, the NHS route, or a combination of the two? How will new patients find you?

Explore what kind of contract you need on your property, how your practice will look and what equipment you will need. Before you start, learn how to create a detailed business plan as well as a marketing plan and a financial plan so that you can check everything makes sense when considered as a whole.

Watch the setting up a practice advice video

Business planning and managing change

Using a business plan to open a new dental practice, or make structural changes to your existing practice can save you from a number of potential disasters. Getting everything down on paper is a very useful exercise to see what you want to achieve, whether everything is realistic, and how to carry out your plan.

We advise on what to research, how far into the future your business plan should look, and where you can get more support. Lenders will look closely at your business plan, so it pays to make it well-structured and concise. We also cover how to implement your plan and how to manage everything if your plan goes off track.

Watch the business planning and managing change video

Business continuity

Managing change is an art, we offer help to make sure your experience as a dentist is positive and stress-free in a new practice, or in a practice you are changing the structure of.

Fires, cyber-attacks, and sickness take everyone by surprise, and there is more to disaster planning than making sure insurance is in place and up to date. The good news is that you can easily make small changes now that will make an enormous difference if the worst happens. We explore how to assess the likelihood of things going wrong, and how to work effectively during short-term contingency measures such as working out of temporary premises.

Watch the business continuity advice video

Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships

Are you considering changing your dental practice to a limited company or limited liability partnership (LLP)? If so, it is vital that you know the features of each setup. We give you a useful overview of the structure and ownership of both, and your tax implications. Learn more about the extent of your debt liability, how profit-sharing works, plus legal obligations in both business models. Not forgetting, if you do NHS work, how being a limited company or an LLP affects your contract. We will guide you through all the points to consider, and the documentation you need to complete.

Watch the companies and LLPs advice video

Long-term leave and pay

Dentists may need time away from work for a variety of reasons; not just in the case of sickness but for maternity, paternity, and adoption leave. If you work for the NHS, we go over planning in advance how much leave you are entitled to and when you can take it. This can change based on your circumstances, and you may be surprised as to what you are allowed to do while on leave and what you are not allowed to do. We will point you in the right direction according to your circumstances.

Watch the long-term leave and pay advice video


No-one expects to have a dispute, but knowing about mediation now helps you predict when it could be beneficial. When problems are prevented from escalating, mediation can save you money as well as time and stress. Mediation can also help disputes which are long running to come to an end. Explore who you may have a dispute with and how a mediator can work with both parties effectively. We also support you if you need a mediator now or in the future.

Watch the mediation advice video

Bespoke help when you need it

Looking for advice?

Whatever your plans or requirements, our advice team can help. We make sure you have covered all the necessary bases, and that you choose the course of action that suits you best. Extra and Expert members can contact us on 020 7935 0875 or email us on advice.enquiries@bda.org.
A dentist wearing dark grey scrubs is on the phone at a desk in a dental surgery