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Northern Ireland: Dental payments issues raised with BSO

Following several areas of concern regarding dental payments, we have written to Karen Bailey, Chief Executive of the Business Services Organisation (BSO).

Issues that have been raised include a general lack of communication and clarity from BSO regarding backpay owing, and when various payments are to be received. There has also been a lack of clarity itemising breakdown of payments when these have been issued.

Orthodontists have also raised concerns with us regarding perceived shortfall in backpay owing, concerns which are being taken forward with BSO directly.

We are aware, and not unsympathetic to the pressures impacting on staffing within BSO. Ultimately, we want to ensure payment processes are made more transparent to dentists, with better levels of communication in advance, and to improve accessibility with relevant BSO staff if issues or queries do arise.

For members, we appreciate the frustration caused by not having peace of mind that you have been paid correctly, or difficulties in being able to talk through your own calculations, and cashflow issues on top of the considerable delay already experienced in having uplifts progressed.

That is why we have also been emphasising better dentist access to the most relevant points of contact within BSO.

BSO Contacts

Points of contact for dentists with BSO have been raised; in return, BSO have shared a list of email addresses depending on the type of query dentists may need to raise with the BSO Dental Service Team.

BSO response

We appreciate that responding to our concerns, the BSO Chief Executive has fully accepted the range of issues we’ve highlighted; she has committed to providing full responses to issues raised, and perhaps most importantly, is committing her organisation to work with us to address concerns and restore confidence in the dental payments process.

BDA and NIDPC representatives will continue to work through how concerns can best be addressed with BSO, including at our forthcoming non-contract meeting scheduled for September.