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Northern Ireland: We seek assurances from the Department of Health on back pay

We are pressing the Department of Health (DoH) to provide assurance to practitioners that the full 6.47% backpay for 2023-24 has now been paid correctly.

The full 6.47% (non-recurrent) uplift for 2023-24 should now have been applied to all 2023-24 claims while only 4.92% is to be applied recurrently.

On 12 August, the Department’s Head of Dental and Ophthalmic Policy Michael O’Neill wrote to all GDS practitioners to outline how both the uplift and Scale Additions errors would be corrected.

The correspondence included a worked example which only included the 4.92% aspect of the uplift. Some practitioners, in particular orthodontists with a large proportion of claims straddling payment years remain unsure they have received the full backpay owed.

Asking for assurances from the Department, Northern Ireland Dental Practice Committee Chair Ciara Gallagher referred to the impact on practitioners of the considerable delays in uplift payments firstly being approved, and then issued.

Indeed, it is deeply regrettable that almost a year and a half after this uplift applies, some practitioners continue to have doubts about whether they have correctly received the full amounts of backpay owing to them, even after ‘corrections’ have been applied. Fundamentally, we are asking the Department to assure practitioners that the full 6.47% pay award that was approved by the minister has now been paid in its entirety.

The letter adds: “At a time when Health Service dentistry is under such financial pressure, and faith in the system at an all-time low, the experience this year beset with delay, error and confusion has been deeply unhelpful.”

“Once again, Northern Ireland is lagging behind the other UK nations when it comes to application of the Review Body on Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration (DDRB) recommended uplifts.”

Department of Health pressed on 2024-25 DDRB recommendations

The letter also seeks an early response from the Department to this year’s DDRB recommendation: “While we continue to work through payment issues relating to 2023-24, colleagues in other jurisdictions have received clarity on the pay uplift which will be applied for the 2024-25 year. Our practitioners deserve no less, and as such we have also requested an update from DoH on its response to the DDRB recommendations for 2024-25.

There is an urgent need for greater clarity, accuracy and timeliness around the pay uplift process. At the very least, practitioners should have a clear understanding of which components of backpay will be received, and when. This is vital in being able to reconcile back pay; also, that pay awards are approved by the Department in a much more timely manner.

Discussions are underway with the Business Services Organisation around how the payment process can work better for practitioners. We want to see more clarity, including making payment reconciliation easier, and better communications at the outset around the timetable for payments. These issues will be raised at our forthcoming non-contract meeting.

We will keep you updated on developments.